How To Make Fire Cider
Amanda Carpenter Amanda Carpenter

How To Make Fire Cider

Fire Cider is a vinegar tincture that has been a staple in the herbalist’s apothecary since the late 1970s when Rosemary Gladstar originally published the recipe in her first book, “Herbal Healing for Women.” An immune-supporting remedy, Fire Cider is used primarily as a cold and flu preventative as well as inhibitor.

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Formulation for Pain Management
Herbal Formularies Amanda Carpenter Herbal Formularies Amanda Carpenter

Formulation for Pain Management

Dr. Duncan Lynch, ND, RH (AHG) Pain Management Tincture Formulation

1. Analgesic herb

2. Analgesic herb

3. Driver

4. Emulsifier

This formulation uses four herbs. An analgesic herb helps to soothe and relieve pain. As most herbs have many actions, it was recommended to use herbs that are also anti-inflammatory, skeletal/muscle relaxants and spasmolytic (These herbs work to reduce or relieve smooth muscle spasms). A few examples I can share include...

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